Saturday, July 5, 2014

¡ Viva eloté !

A husband-wife team rolls a cart through my neighborhood.  Honking a clown horn, they announce their sale of raspados (shaved ice), chicharrones (those airy wheel chips flavored with chili sauce and lime juice) and my favorite, eloté (grilled or boiled corn on a stick, and in this case served with mayo, queso, cayenne pepper, and butter).  My first memory of eloté is from the 2006 Jack Black movie Nacho Libre. Nacho's sidekick Esqueleto was often seen with a stick of slathered corn in his hand and queso-covered lips.  As a fan of corn, I wondered how I could get my hands on that treat.

Learn more!  Eloté photo courtesy of, Esqueleto via Mouthy Mag, Nacho & Esqueleto by Cheyenne, mixed media corn handmade by Jessica, and gift via Dinner from a Movie